Sunday, September 5, 2010

Day 26

I cannot emphasize the greatness of a cucumber facial. I’ve been doing them since my skin trouble started but stopped when I went to see the dermatologist. I began them again 2 days ago, and I’ve seen such a difference. I think the cucumbers soak up the toxins that are clogging your pores. I usually keep them on my face until they’re about half dry and then peel them off. My latest conclusion about post-op pimples is that you’ve gotta let them run their course. There’s no other way. All the pills and cream they give you don’t help.

Unfortunately, letting the acne run its course means that when one area clears up, another area becomes infected. My chin area is now clearing up, but now my forehead (which was previously a pimple free zone) is flaring up. Faboo.

The stretching exercises seem to really help. I can now fit two fingers in my mouth comfortably! I know you're supposed to be able to open your mouth somewhere between 30 and 40mm. Is that more than two fingers? 

The muscles around my chin are pretty stiff, though. I can't move that area around too much or it gets really sore easily. 

Also, the areas where I'm still numb seem to alternate between being numb and being on fire/needles. It feels like someone is pricking me, but then it subsides at night. I assume that this is the nerves' way of trying to reconnect with feeling. I wish they would hurry, so I can get myself on a beach resort ASAP. I need a real vacation.

1 comment:

  1. Ahh! You've come so far, congratulations! I'm looking through your old posts and your swelling doesn't look ridiculous! I'm gauging this by the fact that your mouth can stay closed.

    I'm gonna have to add cucumber facials to my to-do list once my skin flares up. Excited for thaaaat.

    And in response to your comment, I bought a BUUUNCH of Ensure drinks, but my surgeon insists that I don't consume dairy products for the first two weeks because of the mucus it'll create. Life would be much easier if I could rely on those for my meals.

    I love your humor too. The way I see it, if you can't laugh at yourself, then everyone's miserable. We dictate how others perceive our ordeal, so we might as well make it as fun as possible.

    I'm adding you to my super comprehensive (...) list of links on my blog!
