Friday, September 10, 2010

Day 31

After getting my rubber bands removed yesterday, I've attempted to eat more soft chew items. For dinner last night, I ate spaghetti with the noodles cut very finely and a non-chunky sauce. When I woke up this morning, I ate pancakes (which I've been eating all along) and eggs. I've been chewing meat, mushy fruits, and sweet potato cake. I chewed a very soft nut that was sprinkled on top of my cake, and that was somewhat successful.

I say somewhat because here's the problem: I've forgotten how to chew. You would think that your body could remember something that it's been doing for 25 years. But once I mash the food up with my back or front (wow, I can't believe I can chew with my front teeth) teeth, the food just sits there. I don't even remember what used to happen pre-surgery. How did the food go from my teeth to my throat??? Now, I send in my tongue to retrieve the food and lead it back to the throat, but I'm not completely sure that was the previous procedure.

The things you take for granted...

I really want a sandwich. And some pizza. And of course, the ever elusive enchilada. I think I've gotta give up on the last one, as I'm now fairly certain it doesn't exist in Seoul.

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